Ask Joel


After operating without controversy for several quiet months, R&R pulled out their gun, took careful aim and shot themselves in the stump last week. (They don’t have a foot left, having fired so many bullets into it that it was amputated at the ankle.)

R&R dropped 13 reporters from the Top 40 panel, using as their criteria this week, the new rule that all reporters must be in markets that have over 100,000 people in the metro population. In other words, if you’re little, you don’t count.

After all R&R has been through in the past year, we thought those in charge would learn. Alas, we were wrong. They didn’t. R&R still feels it can dictate its best interest to radio and radio, like obedient sheep, will fall into line. Not only was the timing odd, but R&R sent a fax to the record companies that could only be read while wearing hip boots. According to the fax, R&R has formed the Reporter Qualification Committee to further define reporter status.

Excuse me? The Reporter Qualification Committee? The RQC? Give me a break.

Hey, Joel, it’s a stupid idea to begin with. But at least have the balls to say you did it. Don’t try and hide behind some made-up, bullshit committee to save face.

R&R calls itself a friend of radio. More bullshit. How does cutting the number of qualified reporters jive with that statement? Especially since Joel has told many in the record business that the reason they’re cutting the list is because record companies asked them to do so.

So, which is it, Joel?

Historically, various record companies have feuded with radio stations and have, at various times, asked trades not to accept reports for one reason or another. Most trades take all reports and let the record company executive decide what stations they want to include. Not so R&R. Those in charge at that trade are so confused they don’t know whether to kick the baby or feed the dog.

Does the term “shit from shinola” ring a bell?

Or could the real key be something else?

It’s been two years since R&R first promised that all their reporters would be given free computers and the mega-hyped vaporware. And since that first promise, R&R has been steadily decreasing the number of reporters until the total now stands at only 179. In comparison, The Network Forty has 265. Is it possible that R&R may be shaving the number to keep from having to purchase more computers? That’s what one PD says Joel told him. (See this week’s Conference Call.)

And where are those computers? Radio Shack? An advertisement in R&R says they are available for reporters right now. The same ad says they’ve gotten great reaction from their select preview panel. How does that square with the fact that at least two record companies returned the machines when R&R asked them to pay for the service.

So, if you’re one of the radio stations that R&R dropped from the list, you have reason to feel disappointed. Like those dropped before you for no good reason, you’ve done nothing wrong. You’re the same station you were two weeks ago. R&R just decided to arbitrarily change the rules. They didn’t ask you…or anyone else in radio. They just decided what was best for R&R (in other words, what the record companies demanded) and dictated to radio.

So, what else is new? There aren’t as many people listening.

If you’re not one of those who were dropped, don’t breathe easily. If R&R plans to eventually monitor all the markets currently monitored by BDS (and they’ve been promising this for months), where does that leave you? BDS only monitors the top 125 markets. Is there any reason to believe R&R won’t continue to trim their reporter list based on what’s right for them? After all, 125 computers are cheaper than 179.

Where will it end? If a record company complains to R&R that you don’t add enough of their music, is it too far a stretch to believe that you might get delisted? You just can’t tell what that omnipotent RQC is going to do.

Since R&R seems to be running for reelection constantly, I’ve provided a list of the Top 10 questions that Joel needs to answer before we trust him again. When you see him at the Gavin convention, run a few by him. See if you’re satisfied with the answers.

#10:  Who came up with the idea of the RQC and why hasn’t that person been pistol whipped?

#9: Who, exactly, is on the RQC?

#8: If radio is so affected by the decisions of the RQC, why aren’t any radio people on it?

#7: Once and for all, what is the criteria for reporters to R&R?

#6: When will your vaporware be available? I’m serious. Stop laughing.

#5: How many other stations will you be dropping?

#4: Do you think KTRS Casper is honored to be considered the same as WPLJ New York? Neither is allowed to report to R&R.

#3: Are you guys really this stupid or do you do these things just so The Network Forty has something to write about?

#2: What’s the real deal with that pony tail?

#1: Will the RQC remind the last person leaving R&R to turn off the lights?






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